Your Investment Matters


Click the options here to view the benefits of donating to the Business 宣传 Committee (BAC).


Unrestricted investment of $5,000 or more includes:

  • Special invitation to at least two private events with members of the state legislature and/or local government
  • Free admittance to any and all BAC events including fundraisers and VIP areas
  • Recognition as a 持续赞助 on all BAC events containing a sponsorship section including Hob Nob, 地区的市长, 和筹款活动
  • MMM (Monday Morning Memo) recognition of contribution + featured paragraph
  • 15 general reception tickets for annual HobNob event, 4 VIP Tickets, 公司 Logo on materials
  • 3 tickets to 地区的市长 event
  • 公司 and name recognition in BAC Annual Report with featured quote


Donation of $2,000 includes:

  • Free attendance to select events with members of the congressional delegation, legislature and local government
  • Opportunities to speak at the podium and introduction of key note speakers at BAC events
  • MMM (Monday Morning Memo) recognition of contribution
  • Two to HobNob VIP reception + 10 general reception tickets + free admittance to quarterly Pancakes and Politics


Donation of $1,500 includes:

  • 公司 and name recognition on BAC website and in BAC Annual Report
  • 5 general reception tickets to HobNob + invitation to quarterly Pancakes and Politics


Donation of $1,000 includes:

  • 公司 and name recognition in BAC Annual Report
  • BAC ribbon name tag feature at Indy Chamber events (i.e. HobNob, Annual Event, Monumental Awards, etc.)

Personal Contributions

If your firm/organization is restricted from making political contributions we ask that you consider a personal contribution. If limits exist on personal contributions, we ask that you make the contribution to the Indy Chamber (not the BAC) to offset staff time and 办公资源.

Make a Donation Today

The Business 宣传 Committee (BAC) serves as the political voice of Indy Chamber membership and the electoral engagement arm of the organization. Endorsing and contributing in local and statewide races, the BAC supports bi-partisan candidates who seek to advance the policy priorities of the Indy Chamber. The Chamber also engages in issue-specific public campaigns such as supporting/opposing referenda campaigns or coalition leading. Regional support helps enable this critical work.


If you’d like to download and print the application, 点击这里.

Meet Your 宣传 Team

Business 宣传 Coordinator
Vice President, Government Affairs
Chief Strategy Officer & 参谋长

Business 宣传 Backed by Success

Through the Business 宣传 Committee, our mission is to advance the implementation of Indy Chamber priorities and initiatives through political involvement. We engage in the political process by supporting thoughtful, collaborative leaders to represent the Indy Region and proactively recruiting candidates to empower the next generation of leadership.


We engage in races all across the state from legislature to executive offices.


We endorse 地区的市长 and Local Council candidates.


We build support for issue specific campaigns such as mass transit expansion and investing in local schools.
Contribute to the BAC Today
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